
Most recent work

Used Car Price Prediction using Machine Learning

Developed a machine learning model to predict the price of used cars based on features such as price, fuel type, year. Utilized linear regression and regularization techniques to optimize model performance.


Telco Customer Churn Prediction

Build a model to predict how likely a customer will churn by analyzing its characteristics.The objective is to obtain a data-driven solution that will allow us to reduce churn rates and, as a consequence, to increase customer satisfaction and corporation revenue.


Predicting Football Player's Market Value

Developed a machine learning model to predict the market value of soccer players based on various features such as age, position, and performance metrics. Utilized feature selection techniques to identify the most important features for prediction. Achieved an R2 score of 0.85 on the test set.


Arabic Handwritten OCR

Developed a machine learning model to recognize and transcribe Arabic handwritten text using deep learning techniques. Utilized a combination of convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks to achieve high accuracy rates.


Predicting Pump Failure

Developed a machine learning model to predict the failure of industrial pumps based on sensor data. I applied feature engineering, feature selection, model evaluation and selection to improve the model performance.


Topic Modelling of News

Utilized various machine learning algorithms, including Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Latent Semantic Analysis, to analyze and classify news articles based on their topic.


Sales Analysis

Analyzed sales data using Power BI to identify trends and patterns. Developed interactive dashboards using Power BI to visualize and communicate insights to stakeholders.